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Thumb*.db Viewer for Windows 7 - "View and manage Thumb*.db files with ease." - Windows 7 Download

Thumb*.db Viewer Windows 7

Thumb*.db Viewer 4.145

"Supercharge your thumbnail viewing with Thumb*.db Viewer - The ultimate tool for Windows 7 users."

Are you tired of the frustration that comes with sorting through endless thumbnail files? Look no further than Thumb*.db Viewer, the definitive solution for viewing and managing Windows 7 thumbnail cache files. Developed by Janusware Ltd., this software gives you unparalleled access to your images and videos. With a user-friendly interface and lightning-fast performance, Thumb*.db Viewer is a must-have for anyone working with large media collections. Download it now and take control of your file browsing experience.

Thumb*.db Viewer 4.145 full details

File Size: 4.49 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $29.99
Released: 2020-09-23
Downloads: Total: 2256 | This Month: 17
Publisher: Janusware Ltd.
Publisher URL:

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Thumb*.db ViewerViewersWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win8 x32, Win8 x64, Win10 x32, Win10 x64, Win11 x32, Win11 x64, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP, Other

User Rating: 2.9 (16 votes)

Thumb*.db Viewer - Windows 7 Download awards

Thumb*.db Viewer windows 7 compatible

Thumb*.db Viewer 4.145 full description

For multimedia files used under the Microsoft Windows, the operating system automatically generated special images (cached thumbnails).These thumbnails and information about the source files are stored in databases that are named differently for different versions of Microsoft Windows.If the media file or the entire folder is deleted, the thumbnail will remain in the database files.Our program was written to give the computer user tools to comfortable reconstruct database records."Thumb*.db Viewer" allows browse and retrieve thumbnails stored into:- thumbs.db, ehthumbs.db (Windows XP and early versions);- thumbcache_idx.db, thumbcache_16.db, thumbcache_32.db, thumbcache_48.db, thumbcache_96.db, thumbcache_256.db, thumbcache_768.db, thumbcache_1024.db, thumbcache_1280.db, thumbcache_1920.db, thumbcache_2560.db, thumbcache_sr.db, thumbcache_wide.db, thumbcache_exif.db, thumbcache_wide_alternate.db, thumbcache_custom_stream.db (Windows Vista/7/8/10/11);- iconcache_*.db files (Windows 8/10).The new release of "Thumb*.db Viewer": version 4.1.Many new features have been added, including:- modern interface;- multilingual support;- resizable thumbnails gallery (from 1 up to 50 pictures per page);- built-in thumbnail viewer;- customized presentation of founded files, pages and thumbnails."Thumb*.db Viewer" allows:- collects all the Thumbs.db, ehthumbs.db, thumbcache_*.db, iconcache_*.db files in and below the specified folder;- extracts and views all or selected thumbnails as an HTML representation;- views the thumbnails in full size or as the best fit for the program`s window;- manipulate with images;- using a heuristic algorithm, the program can search for JPG graphics in files of any format.- disassembled and displaying headers of thumbnails, thumbcache files and entries for thumbcache_idx.db;- displaying image details, etc.

Thumb*.db Viewer 4.145 download tags

Thumb*.db Viewer 4.145 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
new engine and interface,multilingual support
[ Thumb*.db Viewer release history ]

Thumb*.db Viewer 4.145 Windows 7 requirements

Pentium Processor, 15MB Disk Space, VGA or Better Display

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Thumb*.db Viewer users' reviews

Thumb*.db Viewer 3.1 review by Digital Analyst (Mar 11, 2014)
Could not open any IconCache.db (XP, Win7, Win8). Just crashed.

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