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Tile Builder for Windows 7 - "Revamp Your Design with Tile Builder" - Windows 7 Download

Tile Builder Windows 7

Tile Builder 1.6

Easily create seamless tile patterns with Tile Builder.

Introducing Tile Builder – the ultimate tool for creating beautiful seamless textures and patterns for your digital projects. Developed by the talented team behind ImageSkill Software, Tile Builder is a must-have software for designers and digital artists looking to add a touch of artistry to their creations. With its user-friendly interface, Tile Builder simplifies the process of creating complex tileable textures and patterns, opening up a world of creative possibilities. Elevate your artistry today with Tile Builder!

Tile Builder 1.6 full details

File Size: 2.58 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $24.95
Released: 2007-12-06
Downloads: Total: 543 | This Month: 9
Publisher: ImageSkill Software
Publisher URL:

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Tile BuilderEditorsWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista

User Rating: 3.0 (14 votes)

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Tile Builder windows 7 compatible

Tile Builder 1.6 full description

Tile Builder is a Photoshop-compatible plug-in for creation seamless patterns from images using symmetry rules. This plug-in will be useful for web designers, artists, photo and computer graphics enthusiasts. It allows you create fantastic attractive seamless patterns by one touch. Run Tile Builder, choose one of 17 tiling method, press Apply and you receive incredible result! Since for pattern generation plug-in uses only small image area you can receive huge amount of patterns from one image only. The target shape of this area is defined by selected tiling method. Using selected area plug-in fills plane without gaps using symmetry operations (shift, rotation and reflection). Our plug-in has unique flexibility and power: you can move, rotate and bend target shape in order to match desirable motif for you seamless pattern. You can adjust pattern size and edge overlapping for creation smooth transition between shape sides. You can see result of flood filling using generated pattern in preview window. Also, you can save generated rectangular seamless pattern as BMP, JPEG or PNG graphic file for using anywhere. Our plug-in has simple install and uninstall procedures, help and tutorial.

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Tile Builder 1.6 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
New version stores own position and window's size.
[ Tile Builder release history ]

Tile Builder 1.6 Windows 7 requirements

Requres Photoshop-compatible graphic host program.

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