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Time2D Viewer for Windows 7 - Discover Time2D Viewer: Innovative. User-Friendly. Outstanding. - Windows 7 Download

Time2D Viewer Windows 7

Time2D Viewer 1.0.0 Beta

"View stunning time-lapse videos with Time2D Viewer. A must-have software for photography enthusiasts."

The Time2D Viewer by MacHouse is an intuitive and user-friendly software that lets you easily view QuickTime movies in 2D. With a minimalist interface, you can navigate through your media with precision and speed. Time2D Viewer supports a variety of media formats including MP4 and MOV. The software is easy to install and intuitive to use, with extensive documentation and helpful tutorials. If you are looking for a simple yet effective media viewer, Time2D Viewer is an excellent choice.

Time2D Viewer 1.0.0 Beta full details

File Size: 2.57 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2012-03-18
Downloads: Total: 367 | This Month: 8
Publisher: MacHouse
Publisher URL:

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Time2D ViewerOffice Suites & ToolsWindows 7 x64

User Rating: 3.5 (10 votes)

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Time2D Viewer 1.0.0 Beta full description

Time2D Viewer is used to open and view a project package created with Time2D. It's a simple project viewer. You can also take a screenshot at the current scroll position.

Terms of use:

Time2D Viewer is currently available as a freeware title. 'Freeware' doesn't mean you own any part of this application. It only means that you are allowed to use it after accepting terms of use. There is no gurantee that it will function as it's supposed to. We certainly have the right to not release Time2D Viewer as a freeware title. And we have the right to repackage it with new features and release it as a commercial product at any time with or without a prior notice. And if you know you are going to call us a thief after changing the release format, please don't use it in the first place.

Time2D Viewer 1.0.0 Beta download tags

Time2D Viewer 1.0.0 Beta Windows 7 requirements

NET Framework 4 Client

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