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TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC for Windows 7 - Boost efficiency with TimePanic. - Windows 7 Download

TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC Windows 7

TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC 2.8

"Boost productivity with TimePanic - an efficient time tracking software for Windows and Pocket PC"

TimePanic is an efficient and user-friendly software designed for Windows and Pocket PC users. Developed by Lionel Spohr, this program is the ultimate solution for time tracking and project management. TimePanic allows you to monitor the time spent on each task, ensuring that you maintain your productivity throughout the day. With its intuitive interface and extensive features, TimePanic is the perfect tool for those who need to keep track of their time. Download TimePanic today and take control of your time!

TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC 2.8 full details

File Size: 9.48 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $76.00
Released: 2011-06-19
Downloads: Total: 371 | This Month: 9
Publisher: Lionel Spohr
Publisher URL:

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TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PCProject ManagementWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinMobile, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.3 (16 votes)

TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC - Windows 7 Download awards

TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC 2.8 full description

TimePanic is a mobile time tracking solution for the self-employed, for small businesses, or just for anyone who works on a computer. It consists of a fully grown Windows application and a lightweight Windows Mobile application. TimePanic can be set to run as a permanently visible icon in the notification area of the Windows task bar. Both applications can track your hours on a per project basis, distinguish between billable and non-billable tasks, let you enter comments and can be easily synchronized via ActiveSync. The Windows application also lets you manage your absences such as annual leave or sick leave, calculates overtime and prints reports. Hourly rates can be flexible and, for example, vary with the time of the day or the day of the week. Sub-projects can use different hourly rates than their parent projects. Based on the hourly rates, reports are capable of calculating net invoice amounts. Unlike most other time tracking software, TimePanic is particularly good at tracking your hours in real time, as opposed to writing them down from memory at the end of the day or the week. With only two mouse clicks, you can track each relevant task switch in TimePanic at the very moment it happens. This saves you from the hassle of manual time entry, and along the way, your timesheets will become so accurate that your customers will not even think of questioning them. A number of functions in TimePanic have been realized by means of the report feature. Besides printing, they include searching and exporting data. Reports are saved in a standard document format for further processing and printing by third-party applications should the need arise. Exported time tracking data can be easily imported into Microsoft Excel. TimePanic is available in English, German and French, and can also be purchased without Windows Mobile application.

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TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC 2.8 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
Jours fériés partiels et jours d'absence partiels (demi-journée, quart de journée, etc.)
[ TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC release history ]

TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC 2.8 Windows 7 requirements

Windows Mobile 2003 ou supérieur. Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista (32 et 64), 7 (32 et 64).

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TimePanic is a time tracking application for anyone who works on a computer. ... Self-employed people are more likely to need the hourly rates, including the possibility to calculate net invoice amounts, ...
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