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Timetablemate for Windows 7 - "Organize Your Schedule with Timetablemate" - Windows 7 Download

Timetablemate Windows 7


Streamline your schedule with Timetablemate - the ultimate time management tool.

Timetablemate, developed by KTS InfoTech, is a comprehensive software designed to simplify your scheduling and planning tasks. With intuitive navigation and a user-friendly interface, it allows you to easily create, manage and customize timetables and schedules. The software has a vast range of features such as automatic scheduling, timetable cloning, conflict resolution, and reporting, making it ideal for educational institutions, corporates, and small businesses alike. Timetablemate is compatible with Windows 7 and is an essential tool for anyone who wants to manage their time efficiently. Get your copy today for a hassle-free scheduling experience!

Timetablemate full details

File Size: 3.89 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $50.00
Released: 2013-06-12
Downloads: Total: 275 | This Month: 10
Publisher: KTS InfoTech
Publisher URL:

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TimetablemateTeaching & Training ToolsWin2000, WinServer, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.7 (15 votes)

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Timetablemate windows 7 compatible

Timetablemate full description

Time table creation software for schools and colleges. Clash free scheduling of tutors, classes and room Tracks class hours. Analysis of tutor teaching hours Handy printouts of timetables ,Ease of use Options to print or save timetable in various formats

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Timetablemate Windows 7 requirements

PC with Windows 95/ 98/ 2000/ Me/ NT/ XP/Vista.

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