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TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009 for Windows 7 - "Enhance UI with TMS Smooth Controls" - Windows 7 Download

TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009 Windows 7

TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009

"Upgrade your Delphi/C++ software with TMS Smooth Controls Pack."

Introducing TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi, C++2009. Brought to you by, this package offers a hassle-free solution for creating aesthetically pleasing interfaces on Windows 7. With its superior layout and design toolbox, crafting stunning applications has never been easier. This sophisticated software is an essential tool for software developers looking to take their applications to the next level. Experience the joys of advanced customization and take advantage of the wide range of visualizations on offer today. Get TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi, C++2009 and start your journey towards application perfection today!

TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009 full details

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TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009DelphiWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.4 (9 votes)

TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009 - Windows 7 Download awards

TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009 windows 7 compatible

TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009 full description

Your applications never get a second chance on a first impression! Use feature-rich sophisticated looking & smoothly animated controls including calendar, listbox, imagelist, panel, buttons, pagecontrol, LEDs, spinner, jogwheel,gauge,step control, ... This product is also available in TMS Component Pack (homepage

TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009 download tags

TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
New component in v4.5: TMS TAdvSmoothCircularProgress: sophisticated drawn and smoothly animated circular progress. - New: Windows 8, Office 2013 styles added to controls - New: ClipBoard support in TAdvSmoothMessageDialog - New: AutoFormatValues property in TAdvSmoothCapacityBar
[ TMS Smooth Controls Pack-Delphi,C++2009 release history ]

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