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Total Commander 64-bit full changelog

Total Commander 64-bit full changelog

Total Commander 64-bit 11.02 released Nov 9, 2023 (New Release)
Synchronize directories: Comparison can now be paused (pause button)
Updated libdeflate/libdeflate64 DLLs: In rare cases Windows Explorer 7/10/11 could not extract archives created by this DLL even if the archive is 100% correct and can be extracted with Win7zip/pkzip/ WinRAR/7Zip without problems.
If you can't or don't want to update now, you can download the new DLLs separately.
Files - Test archive(s) finds affected ZIP files, unless disabled (wincmd.ini [Packer] ZipTestWarnExplorer=0)
Improved thumbnail caching in thumbnail view
Multiple options available for cm_SyncChangeDir function (SyncChangeDirMode in wincmd.ini)
Total Commander 64-bit 11.01 released Sep 1, 2023 (New Release)
Updated unrar dlls to 6.23.0. RARLAB has now issued a statement that the unrar dlls are not affected by the critical vulnerability in RAR
Shift+F4 edit new file(s): Multiple names can now be passed also in double quotes separated by spaces, e.g. "file1.txt" "file2.txt" "file3.txt"
cm_Edit: Parameter /N now supports alternate syntax /N=<"file1.txt" "file2.txt" "file3.txt"> to pass multiple names to the function more easily
Compare by content: Set number of lines which must be matching after a difference (CompareFindLines)
Total Commander 64-bit 11.00 released Aug 2, 2023 (New Release)
Show searchable list of all open tabs with Ctrl+Shift+A (as in the Chrome browser) or right clicking on the rightmost edge of the tab headers
Ignore list now supports entries for file system plugins and FTP servers (separate syntax)
Search with "Everything": Support search in indexed subfolders
Show full path with all parents in nested virtual folders, e.g. when accessing a phone
Show free and total space of Android devices in the base folder
Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories relative to the current location, e.g. %WinDir%explorer.exe ....content
Inform other Total Commander instances on the same PC when the user changes the "Start" menu or button bars
In place rename, command line: Stop on Ctrl+Left/Right at extra non-alphanumeric characters
Standalone Lister, search, compare and synchronize dirs can be started maximized and minimized
New pseudo environment variable %$DATE% inserts current date and time in 24 hour format, supports template like %$DATE:YMD%
Total Commander 64-bit 10.52 released Oct 26, 2022 (New Release)
Command line parameters: option /O now supports a parameter, e.g. /O0 to never open a new instance in any case
New hotkey F9 in "Compare by content" to toggle visibility of the two line compare box at the bottom
Internal associations: New command ** opens the given button bar file as a menu
Button command LOADLIST0 loads list of files without any error messages when files cannot be found
Command line parameters now support value LOADLIST:pathlistfile.txt instead of a directory name to load list file into file panel
Quick search with search dialog and Ctrl+S Quick filter: New hotkey Ctrl+Z to clear search text
The following internal commands now support parameters: cm_Exit, cm_UnloadPlugins, cm_*ActivateTab*, cm_50percent
New method to open virtual folders via button or command line, with command cd shell:Folder name (e.g. cd shell:Fonts)
Total Commander 64-bit 10.00 released Jun 10, 2021 (New Release)
Total Commander 64-bit 9.51 released Mar 25, 2020 (New Release)
Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: With some preview handlers, a minimized Lister couldn't be restored any more by clicking on its taskbar icon (32/64)
Fixed: Edit comment (Ctrl+Z) didn't work with option "DOS charset" when the current encoding wasn't "Western" (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Disallow Explorer preview (mode '8') for font files due to a security hole in Windows font handler. Can be enabled manually after Microsoft releases a patch via wincmd.ini [Configuration] FontPreview=1 or FontPreview=2 for only Windows 10 1607 or newer, where fonts are loaded outside the kernel (32/64)
Fixed: Find files: Ignore last (incorrect) semicolon in "Search in" field when searching in multiple paths, e.g. c:path1;d:path2; (32/64)
Total Commander 64-bit 9.50 released Feb 13, 2020 (New Release)
Fixed: FTP server: Support longer Unicode names, especially for Asian languages with multiple bytes per character (32/64)
Fixed: Access violation accessing drives mounted via RaiDrive pointing to a WebDAV server, the drive reported an impossibly large free/total space (32)
Added: Dark mode: Open help file named totalcmddark.chm if it exists in the same location as totalcmd.chm (32/64)
Fixed: Changing dark mode colors via main settings sometimes lost border around main window file lists (32/64)
Fixed: Search in 7z archives with internal 7zip unpacker was much slower than extracting the same archive (32/64)
Fixed: Changed default of HistoryCut option from 0 to 1 until a better solution is found (32/64)
Fixed: "Mark newer, hide same files": Access violation when using this function while a quick search filter was active (32/64)
Added: "Visit Totalcmd's Website" now directly goes to the German/French localized Web pages (32/64)
Fixed: Installer couldn't write to "c:Program files" or other
Total Commander 64-bit 9.0 released Nov 28, 2016 (New Release)
Fixed: Internal function cm_SearchForInCurDir tried to search in curdir instead of current dir with cursor on [] (64)
Fixed: Search in separate process: List file containing selected file names wasn't deleted (32)
Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameter %p%s in branch view added path relative to current dir twice (32/64)
Fixed: Left panel: Search result within archive; Right panel: Create file with Shift+F4, then rename it -> search result was lost (32/64)
Total Commander 64-bit 8.01 released Feb 18, 2013 (New Release)

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