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Trend Micro HouseCall for Windows 7 - "Revitalize Your PC's Health" - Windows 7 Download

Trend Micro HouseCall Windows 7

Trend Micro HouseCall

"Detect and remove viruses with ease - safeguard your PC with this powerful software."

Discover the power of Trend Micro HouseCall, the innovative software solution that offers superior virus and malware protection, all while being incredibly easy to use. Developed by industry leader Trend Micro, this efficient software will give you peace of mind as it detects and removes harmful threats from your Windows 7 computer. With its user-friendly interface and robust security features, you'll be able to browse the web and download with confidence. Get your hands on Trend Micro HouseCall today, and experience the ultimate protection for your PC.

Trend Micro HouseCall full details

File Size: 3.00 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-06-24
Downloads: Total: 1179 | This Month: 6
Publisher: Trend Micro
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Trend Micro HouseCallAnti-Virus ToolsWindows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

User Rating: 2.5 (29 votes)

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Trend Micro HouseCall full description

HouseCall is Trend Micro's highly popular and capable on-demand scanner for identifying and removing viruses, Trojans, worms, unwanted browser plugins, and other malware.

HouseCall features an intuitive interface and the ability to perform fast scans that target critical system areas and active malware. It also leverages the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network™ to help ensure that scans catch the latest threats.

HouseCall improves on the recently released HouseCall by providing a full system scan option and an option to scan only specific folders. It adds support for 64-bit versions of Windows Vista™ and Windows™ 7/ 8/ 10.

HouseCall provides a quick and easy check for threats regardless of the protection status of your existing security solution. For more information about HouseCall, please read the Frequently Asked Questions.

What's new in HouseCall?

* Full system and custom scan options allow users to specify which folders to scan (new in 7.1).
* Quick scan option offers targeted scanning of critical system areas and active threats, reducing scan times to within a few minutes.
* Stand-alone, browser-independent implementation eliminates compatibility issues associated with browser-activated scanners.
* Smart Scan technology refers to patterns in the cloud, delivering the latest protection while reducing download times.
* Smart Feedback shares threat information with the Smart Protection Network, which correlates data from a global intelligence network to quickly discover new threats.
* Review and restore lets you check and compare scan results and recover files.
* Enhanced detection and cleanup addresses rootkits and other sophisticated threats.

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HouseCall is Trend Micro's highly popular and capable on-demand scanner for identifying ... worms, unwanted browser plugins, and other malware. HouseCall features an intuitive interface and the ability to ...
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