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TwitHaven full changelog

TwitHaven full changelog

TwitHaven 6.0 released Apr 15, 2014 (New Release)
A message can be sent to multiple Users and multiple Groups by checking their checkboxes.
TwitHaven 5.2 released Sep 24, 2012 (New Release)
· [New] You can now resize the message column proportions when viewing your messages.
· [New] The list of messages now displays more text and appears much faster.
· [Fix] Buttons no longer show a tick next to the last chosen item. This stops this option being chosen if the user presses down on a button but moves off before letting go of the mouse.

All Modules:
· [New] When running a Backup the Project Name now appears next to the File Name so you know what Project is being backed up.
· [New] The User now has their own WorkPhone and WorkMobile fields. These are used by TwitHaven to receive SMS messages, as well as acting as an internal record.
· [New] The Backup now saves the files in CSV format rather than tab-delimited.
· [Fix] The Quit menu has been returned to the Login window for Windows [Fix] The Error window no longer appears after a Backup, unless there were errors.
· [Fix] The DocHaven window no longer appears when a Backup is finished.
· [Fix] The Configure menu, on Login, ha

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