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TwonkyMedia Manager for Windows 7 - "Organize media effortlessly with TwonkyMedia" - Windows 7 Download

TwonkyMedia Manager Windows 7

TwonkyMedia Manager

Discover the ultimate media manager with TwonkyMedia Manager.

TwonkyMedia Manager by PacketVideo Corporation is an essential software for managing all your media files on Windows 7. With its intuitive interface, you can easily share your music, videos, and photos across multiple devices on your network. The software seamlessly connects to various devices, including TVs, smartphones, home theaters, and gaming consoles, making streaming your media content an effortless task. Additionally, the software's transcoding feature converts incompatible media formats, making it a versatile and reliable tool for any Windows 7 user looking to streamline their media management.

TwonkyMedia Manager full details

File Size: 22.10 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $19.95
Released: 2014-02-04
Downloads: Total: 367 | This Month: 30
Publisher: PacketVideo Corporation
Publisher URL:

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TwonkyMedia ManagerOther Server ApplicationsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.1 (10 votes)

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TwonkyMedia Manager full description

TwonkyMedia manager streams your music, photos and videos to compatible devices in your home. Playing media on a compatible device is easy. Just drag and drop a media file or playlist onto the icon for the device. For example, if you want to play a slideshow of your favorite photos on your TV, simply drag the playlist onto the TV icon.

Creating playlists in TwonkyMedia manager is simple. And if you don’t want to create a playlist, you don’t have to. You can just drag entire albums, genres, or highest rated items and stream your music, photos and videos immediately.

Here are some of the things you can do with TwonkyMedia manager.
• Play a photo slideshow on your TV
• Stream photos to any compatible digital photo frame in your network
• Play music in every room (from the same or multiple playlists)
• View Flickr, Photobucket or Picassa photos on your TV or digital photo frame
• Listen to Internet radio

View and manage all your media files in one user interface (UI), including your iTunes® database and playlists, Flickr photos and Internet videos
• Create smart playlists by rating, genre, artist and more
• Search photos by name, date, rating or keyword
• Create descriptions for photos
• Search music by song name, artist, genre or rating
• Play an entire album or genre of music without having to create a playlist
• Play a slideshow of photos by rating or album without having to create a playlist

TwonkyMedia manager is open, standards-based software, so you’re not stuck using a particular brand of devices in the home. You can share your media with hundreds of popular devices, including TVs, game consoles, A/V systems, PCs, digital media adapters and mobile devices. Visit the Compatibility section to learn more.

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