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Typing Buddy for Windows 7 - Boost typing efficiency with Typing Buddy - Windows 7 Download

Typing Buddy Windows 7

Typing Buddy 1.6

"Type faster with ease: Download Typing Buddy, the ultimate speed typing tool for Windows 7."

Looking for a reliable and efficient way to speed up your typing? Look no further than Typing Buddy by Supernova-soft. This innovative software offers advanced predictive text technology, allowing you to quickly and accurately complete your typing tasks with ease. With its sleek and user-friendly interface, Typing Buddy is the perfect solution for anyone looking to optimize their typing speed and productivity. Download now and see for yourself why Typing Buddy is the go-to choice for Windows 7 users!

Typing Buddy 1.6 full details

File Size: 976 kB
License: Demo
Price: $23.00
Released: 2018-07-12
Downloads: Total: 456 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Supernova-soft
Publisher URL:

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Typing BuddyAutomation ToolsWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Vista

User Rating: 3.3 (23 votes)

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Typing Buddy windows 7 compatible

Typing Buddy 1.6 full description

If your name is ,by chance, Adolph Blaine Charles Daivid Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorft (the longest real name according to Wikipedia) or if you are born in the Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu (a nice place in New Zealand) then writing your signature or contact address is everything but fun.Wouldn't be nice to type just few letters and let computer do the dirty job for you? That's exactly what Typing Buddy does!You can assign a short string (trigger) to a much longer phrase and when you need that phrase somewhere all you have to do is to type your trigger and it is automatically replaced with corresponding phrase! So main purpose of Typing Buddy is to enable you to type less and write more!Writing emails,articles,even books can be much easier and faster if you can skip typing common phrases all the time.Beside that Typing Buddy can also be used to launch your programs,files,folders or even web pages from anywhere in no time.All you have to do is to assign short string(trigger) to any of above actions and Typing Buddy will do the rest!With Typing Buddy you'll newer again browse for that folder 10 levels deep or scroll trough full Start Menu to find your media player.Actually,very soon,you'll be asking yourself how you lived without it so far!

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... the dirty job for you? That's exactly what Typing Buddy does!You can assign a short string (trigger) ...
... the dirty job for you? That's exactly what Typing Buddy does!You can assign a short string (trigger) ...
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