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UltraFileSearch Std Portable for Windows 7 - "Find Any File Instantly with UltraFileSearch" - Windows 7 Download

UltraFileSearch Std Portable Windows 7

UltraFileSearch Std Portable

"Revolutionize your file searching with UltraFileSearch Std Portable - the ultimate tool for speed and precision."

Introducing the ultimate file searching tool - UltraFileSearch Std Portable! Developed by Stegisoft, this software packs in a powerful punch with its lightning-fast search capabilities and intuitive interface. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually searching for files on your computer. Whether you're a professional or a casual computer user, UltraFileSearch Std Portable is the perfect solution for all your file searching needs. Download it now and experience a new level of efficiency and ease!

UltraFileSearch Std Portable full details

File Size: 3.04 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $24.95
Released: 2024-12-27
Downloads: Total: 514 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Stegisoft
Publisher URL:

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UltraFileSearch Std PortableFile & Disk ManagementWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.0 (22 votes)

UltraFileSearch Std Portable - Windows 7 Download awards

UltraFileSearch Std Portable windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

UltraFileSearch Std Portable full description

Ultra File Search is a Search Utility which is able to quickly find Files, Folders and Text on your Local, Network, DVD, CD-ROM, USB Hard or Flash Drives. UltraFileSearch allows you to specify several File Names and multiple Drives and/or Folders at the same time; it is able to sort out Files and Folders according to their properties (e.g. Modified Date) and find Files which contain one or more specific words or sentences. The search results can be put in order by column (upward, downward or neither of them). The results window supports Windows® Explorer functionality (e.g. icons, context menus). Specific actions can be carried out on the results (e.g. Open Containing Folder), moreover they can be exported in various Formats (Plain TXT, Tabbed TXT, CSV, HTML, XML). This Utility does not use background Indexing, does not waste system resources and does not use extra space on the Disk. Main Features - User friendly and intuitive interface. - This Utility does not use background indexing. - Search Files or Files and Folders or only Folders. - Full support to Unicode characters and Long Path names. - Allows you to enter more File Name Masks and Search Paths. - Search of files which contain one or more words or sentences. - Filter for Files Newer than or Older than or within a specific Date range. - Filter for Files Larger than or Smaller than or within a specific Size range. - Search based on the Files Attributes of Files and Match Type selected (Any, All, Only). - The results can be put in order by column: upward, downward or restore the initial. - The results window supports Windows® Explorer functionality (e.g. icons, context menus). - Specific actions can be carried out on the results (e.g. Open Folder, Open Containing Folder). - The Results can be exported in various File Formats (Plain TXT, Tabbed TXT, CSV, HTML, XML). - Shows Search statistics as found Files and Folders, Search Time, controlled Objects, Speed.

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UltraFileSearch Std Portable Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Allows you to assign a Mnemonic Name to the Text. Added a dialog Window that allows you to Edit (Assign / Modify / Delete) the Mnemonic Names. When Assigning / Changing a Mnemonic Name a Warning Message is displayed if it already exists.
[ UltraFileSearch Std Portable release history ]

UltraFileSearch Std Portable Windows 7 requirements

No specific hardware requirements.

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