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UltraMon for Windows 7 - "Optimize Your Dual Monitor Setup with UltraMon - The Ultimate Tool!" - Windows 7 Download

UltraMon Windows 7

UltraMon 3.4.1

Improve multi-monitor productivity with UltraMon.

Introducing UltraMon, the ultimate multi-monitor software for Windows 7. Developed by Christian Studer, UltraMon helps users to manage and enhance multiple display setups. With UltraMon, users can easily move and resize windows between monitors, customize their taskbar, and take advantage of advanced display settings. Whether you’re a gamer, programmer, or designer, UltraMon offers an exceptional multi-monitor experience. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to productivity with UltraMon. Download today!

UltraMon 3.4.1 full details

File Size: 2.30 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $39.95
Released: 2018-10-04
Downloads: Total: 4430 | This Month: 25
Publisher: Christian Studer
Publisher URL:

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UltraMonOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

User Rating: 2.6 (32 votes)

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UltraMon 3.4.1 full description

UltraMon is a utility for multi-monitor systems, designed to increase productivity and unlock the full potential of multiple monitors. Quickly move windows between monitors or maximize a window to the desktop using the additional window buttons added by UltraMon. On Windows 8 and later UltraMon extends the built-in multi-monitor taskbar with additional features. On Windows 7 and earlier a taskbar gets added to each secondary monitor, and each taskbar only shows tasks from the monitor it is on. This makes managing lots of open applications much easier, and when activating an application, you'll know on which monitor it will appear. Use the UltraMon tabs added to a shortcut's properties to set an application's position or use custom display settings when the application is running.

With display profiles, you can quickly change the settings of one or more monitors. You can also create a display profile that gets applied when logging in, especially useful when the computer is used by more than one person, and not everyone wants to use the same display settings. The UltraMon wallpaper manager adds the ability to use a different picture on each monitor, or stretch a single picture across the desktop. Some screen savers only run on the primary monitor. UltraMon can blank the secondary monitors when the screen saver is running, or run additional screen savers on secondary monitors. Mirror the primary monitor on one or more secondary monitors, for example when doing a presentation. Or mirror only a single application on a secondary monitor. A unique feature is support for different resolutions, the source monitor can run at a higher resolution than the mirror monitor. UltraMon provides a custom Display Settings applet with support for configuring more than 10 monitors. You can quickly configure even large numbers of monitors using the included monitor arrangement tools.

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UltraMon 3.4.1 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
New in this release:
This release adds support for version 1809 of Windows 10, specifically the window buttons now work, Chrome no longer crashes at launch and when hiding the start button on secondary taskbars the search and task view button get properly hidden as well.
Fixed issues:
UltraMon crashes on Windows 10 if themeing has been disabled via Handle.exe
[ UltraMon release history ]

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UltraMon is a utility for multi-monitor systems, designed to ... desktop using the additional window buttons added by UltraMon. On Windows 8 and later UltraMon extends the ...
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