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UN-SCAN-IT for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize Data Analysis: UN-SCAN-IT" - Windows 7 Download

UN-SCAN-IT Windows 7


Revolutionize data analysis with UN-SCAN-IT software – now available at our website!

Looking for a powerful, user-friendly tool to perform various graphing and curve analysis tasks on your Windows 7 PC? Look no further than UN-SCAN-IT by Silk Scientific, Inc. This top-notch software enables you to effortlessly digitize data from scanned graphs and plots, generate precise X-Y data points, and perform a range of curve fitting and analysis procedures. With its intuitive interface and customizable features, UN-SCAN-IT is perfect for researchers, engineers, and scientists alike. Download now and experience the ultimate in graphing and curve analysis software for your Windows 7 computer!

UN-SCAN-IT 7.0 full details

File Size: 11.70 MB
License: Demo
Price: $345.00
Released: 2013-04-04
Downloads: Total: 789 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Silk Scientific, Inc.
Publisher URL:

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UN-SCAN-ITCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 3.2 (23 votes)

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UN-SCAN-IT 7.0 full description

Introducing the revolutionary UN-SCAN-IT software - the ultimate solution for graph digitization and analysis! Developed by Silk Scientific, Inc., this powerful tool has been designed with utmost precision to meet the needs of scientists, engineers, and researchers. Say goodbye to tiring manual data entry and tedious graph digitization with UN-SCAN-IT! This software is a boon for those who want to accurately extract numerical data from images and graphs. The process is simple - just scan the graph or image, and UN-SCAN-IT will convert it into numerical data within seconds. Not only does it save you time and energy, but it also provides unparalleled accuracy and reliability. With its advanced features like multi-language support, automatic curve fitting, and data export to Excel, UN-SCAN-IT proves to be the ideal software for all your graph analysis needs. So, download UN-SCAN-IT today and join the league of happy and satisfied users!

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