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unEbookWorkshop for Windows 7 - Transform PDF to Flash with ease. - Windows 7 Download

unEbookWorkshop Windows 7

unEbookWorkshop 3.80 build

Revolutionize eBook creation with unEbookWorkshop.

Discover the ultimate solution for converting your PDF files into user-friendly executable files with unEbookWorkshop. Developed by GuohuaSoft, this software is the perfect tool for creating customized e-books, catalogs, product manuals, and more. With its easy-to-use interface, advanced features, and compatibility with Windows 7, unEbookWorkshop is the must-have software for any business or individual looking to create professional and engaging digital content. Download it now and take your digital content to the next level!

unEbookWorkshop 3.80 build full details

File Size: 881 kB
License: Trialware
Price: $79.95
Released: 2009-04-17
Downloads: Total: 984 | This Month: 38
Publisher: GuohuaSoft
Publisher URL:

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unEbookWorkshopOtherWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.7 (15 votes)

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unEbookWorkshop 3.80 build full description

unEbookWorkshop is an .EXE e-book decompiler and extractor. unEbookWorkshop can decompile any .EXE e-books which were compiled by ebook Workshop and extract all source files from the e-book ! Run unEbookWorkshop, simply select an e-book which was made by e-book Workshop, press the button "Start", select a folder for output, and in a short time you will get all source files of the ebook ( these source file are saved in the folder you've selected. ) !

With unEbookWorkshop, you also can decompile e-books in batches:
Click "Batch Decompilation..." from the file menu, select a folder that contains .EXE format ebooks compiled by e-book Workshop, then select an output folder, press the button "Start", all e-books will be decompiled quickly (unEbookWorkshop will ignore any unknown e-book automatically).

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