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UpdateStar AppCleaner for Windows 7 - "Efficiently Clean Your PC with AppCleaner!" - Windows 7 Download

UpdateStar AppCleaner Windows 7

UpdateStar AppCleaner 3

"Explore AppCleaner: A top-notch Windows 7 tool for seamless software cleanup!"

Discover the power of efficient system maintenance with UpdateStar's AppCleaner, a Windows 7 compatible software. This innovative tool is designed to clean and optimize your computer by removing obsolete files and data. It effectively uninstalls unwanted applications, leaving no residual files behind, ensuring your system runs smoothly and stays clutter-free. AppCleaner's user-friendly interface makes it easy for even novice users to navigate and operate. With its advanced features, it not only cleans but also protects your privacy by erasing internet history. Experience a cleaner, faster, and more efficient PC with UpdateStar's AppCleaner.

UpdateStar AppCleaner 3 full details

File Size: 1.04 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-10-04
Downloads: Total: 575 | This Month: 10
Publisher: UpdateStar
Publisher URL:

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UpdateStar AppCleanerSystem MaintenanceWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.9 (28 votes)

UpdateStar AppCleaner - Windows 7 Download awards

UpdateStar AppCleaner windows 7 compatible

UpdateStar AppCleaner 3 full description

Welcome to our Windows 7 software download platform, where we present you with the top-notch "UpdateStar AppCleaner" developed by UpdateStar. This software is a must-have for every Windows 7 user, designed to optimize your system's performance by efficiently cleaning up your applications.

UpdateStar AppCleaner is a powerful tool that dives deep into your system to identify and remove not just the applications you no longer need, but also the often overlooked and hard-to-find remnants they leave behind. These include unnecessary files, folders, and registry entries that can clog up your system and slow down your computer.

The software shines in its simplicity and user-friendly interface. With just a few clicks, you can select the applications you wish to clean or remove entirely. It's an excellent tool for maintaining a clean and efficient system, saving you valuable disk space, and enhancing your computer's performance.

UpdateStar AppCleaner is not just about cleaning; it also prioritizes your system's safety. It creates a restore point before every cleanup, ensuring you can always revert any changes if needed.

Experience a cleaner, faster, and more efficient Windows 7 with UpdateStar AppCleaner. Download and optimize today!

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UpdateStar AppCleaner 3 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Speed improvements, minor enhancements and bug fixes
[ UpdateStar AppCleaner release history ]

UpdateStar AppCleaner 3 Windows 7 requirements

Intel Pentium III or equivalent, 512 MB RAM

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UpdateStar AppCleaner users' reviews

UpdateStar AppCleaner 1.6 review by dumber than (Mar 4, 2012)
Broke my vista's management console, most things in control panel wouldnt open, system restore wouldnt work, most programs wouldnt work. IE worked.

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