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URG Benri for Windows 7 - URG Benri: Ultimate Windows 7 Solution - Windows 7 Download

URG Benri Windows 7

URG Benri 1.8.1

"URG Benri: A versatile Windows 7 software for UTM-30LX laser scanners."

Introducing URG Benri software for Windows 7, crafted by the renowned Mehrez Kristou. This exceptional platform will revolutionize your scanning experience, providing seamless compatibility and accurate data analysis for Hokuyo's UTM-30LX scanner. Unleash your potential with URG Benri's intuitive interface, empowering users to effortlessly harness the full capabilities of this cutting-edge technology. Optimize your Windows 7 system and elevate your scanning functionalities to new heights with URG Benri software. Discover the perfect harmony between simplicity and efficiency, opening doors to limitless possibilities.

URG Benri 1.8.1 full details

File Size: 10.90 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-12-05
Downloads: Total: 351 | This Month: 10
Publisher: Mehrez Kristou
Publisher URL:

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URG BenriCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 3.0 (18 votes)

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URG Benri 1.8.1 full description

Welcome to the world of seamless automation with URG Benri, an exceptional Windows 7 software that will revolutionize your scanning experience. Created by the brilliant mind of Mehrez Kristou, this cutting-edge software is a must-have for anyone seeking precise data collection and analysis. URG Benri, available for download, seamlessly integrates with your UTM-30LX scanner, allowing for effortless handling of scanning tasks with unparalleled accuracy. Its user-friendly interface guarantees a stress-free navigation through its array of powerful features, ensuring quick and dependable results. Say goodbye to manual data handling and hello to URG Benri – the ultimate solution for efficient scanning on Windows 7.

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URG Benri 1.8.1 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Bug: Fixed IP Lookup function introduced in last version
New: Cleaner interface
[ URG Benri release history ]

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