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USB Monitor Pro for Windows 7 - "Enhance USB Monitoring with Pro" - Windows 7 Download

USB Monitor Pro Windows 7

USB Monitor Pro 2.8

"Monitor USB activity with ease - enhance security & debugging with USB Monitor Pro"

Looking for a reliable way to monitor your USB devices? Look no further than USB Monitor Pro from FabulaTech. This powerful software lets you track every aspect of your USB devices' performance, from data transfer to power usage, with lightning-fast speed and accuracy. So if you want to keep your USB devices in tip-top shape and avoid potential data loss, USB Monitor Pro is the tool for you!

USB Monitor Pro 2.8 full details

File Size: 8.26 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $199.95
Released: 2016-09-19
Downloads: Total: 940 | This Month: 7
Publisher: FabulaTech, LLP
Publisher URL:

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USB Monitor ProOtherWindows, 32 and 64 bit Windows and Windows Server, Windows 10, Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2

User Rating: 3.2 (20 votes)

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USB Monitor Pro 2.8 full description

USB Monitor Pro is an effective and, at the same time, simple in use analyzer of USB traffic for Windows. It allows to monitor incoming and outgoing data of a USB device plugged into the computer. Main program features are: - Monitoring of data between USB device driver and the Host Controller Driver - Comparison of packets before and after processing by the Host Controller Driver - Detailed information for each captured event USB Monitor Pro is a complete software solution, so you don't need any additional expensive hardware solutions. It's an indispensable tool for a developer of firmware and drivers for USB devices, expanding developer's drsenal. The real professionals in USB communications have been developing and supporting USB Monitor Pro. The main goal we strive for is to help you to save money, time and probably nerves. We want you not to waste your time on monotonous "digging" of protocols and data but concentrate your talent on your project working with the pleasure.

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USB Monitor Pro 2.8 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
User interface has been slightly improved and polished. Displaying of audio, video and HID descriptors has been added. Installation issue on Windows 10 has been fixed.
[ USB Monitor Pro release history ]

USB Monitor Pro 2.8 Windows 7 requirements

no special

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