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USB over Network Connector for Windows 7 - Connect USB devices remotely - Windows 7 Download

USB over Network Connector Windows 7

USB over Network Connector 6.2

"Connect USB devices remotely with ease."

Looking for a software that will allow you to share USB devices over the network? Look no further than USB over Network Connector by Eltima Software. This handy tool allows you to access USB devices from anywhere on your network, making it perfect for remote work or hot desking. With easy installation and intuitive interface, it's the ideal solution for businesses or individuals looking for a hassle-free way to share resources. Try it now and take your USB connectivity to the next level.

USB over Network Connector 6.2 full details

File Size: 5.59 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $89.95
Released: 2013-12-11
Downloads: Total: 221 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Eltima Software
Publisher URL:

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USB over Network ConnectorRemote ComputingWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 8

User Rating: 2.2 (13 votes)

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USB over Network Connector windows 7 compatible

USB over Network Connector 6.2 full description

With USB over Network Connector you will never experience any issues accessing and using the USB devices that are plugged into remote computers. You can work with those devices as if they were physically connected to your local machine. All that is needed to do for that is install USB over Network Connector on the computer with USB device physically attached (server) and on the computer where you want to use this device (client). USB over IP Connector will do all the rest. No additional hardware needed! BTW you can choose whether Mac, Linux or Windows machine will be a client or a server. Not only this software allows accessing USB devices over Ethernet, but it's also suitable for servers and workstations virtualization. I.e. It will help you access and use local USB devices in a virtual session. Thanks to USB over Network Connector you can easily work with USB devices on guest OS of such virtual environments as VMware ESX, Citrix XenDesktop, Microsoft Hyper-V, Windows Virtual PC, etc. With USB over Network Connector it's possible to work with any local USB devices in a remote session. It also allows you to integrate its useful functionality into your own software (OEM licensing).

USB over Network Connector 6.2 download tags

USB over Network Connector 6.2 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
- New user interface for even easier connections creation and management;
- Callback connection can be created (connection with a client initiated from the server side);
- Warning when trying to share Human Interface Device; etc
[ USB over Network Connector release history ]

USB over Network Connector 6.2 Windows 7 requirements

Win2000, Win2003, WinXP, WinVista, Win7, Win8

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