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Valentina Studio full changelog

Valentina Studio full changelog

Valentina Studio 10.6.1 released Dec 16, 2020 (New Release)
[Imp] Autocomplete of JOIN for ValentinaDB BinaryLink works now.
[Fix] Couple fixes in autocomplete
[New][Query Editor] Added dialog to edit JOIN. It it used to:
swap tables – switch between, e.g T1 LEFT JOIN T2 and T2 LEFT JOIN T1
modify the joined fields.
[Fix][Preferences] Fixed wrong minimum size of the preferences dialog.
Valentina Studio 10.4.12 released Jul 2, 2020 (New Release)
Valentina Studio 10.4.2 released May 11, 2020 (New Release)
0008771: [API] vServer.Restart command shutdown the server but doesn't restart it in Windows (Ivan Smahin)
Valentina Studio 10.3.0 released May 11, 2020 (New Release)
0008771: [API] vServer.Restart command shutdown the server but doesn't restart it in Windows (Ivan Smahin)
Valentina Studio 10.1.3 released Apr 26, 2020 (New Release)
[API] vServer.Restart command shutdown the server but doesn't restart it in Windows (Ivan Smahin)
[Prefs Pane] Yellow text in pref pane not readable (Ivan Smahin)
[Other] Unable to stop server properly on Windows (Ivan Smahin)
[API] Using the server.restart command changed properties aren't saved (Ivan Smahin)
Valentina Studio 10.1.2 released Apr 7, 2020 (New Release)
[New][Pro][Schema Editor] – Duplicate command in the contextual menu of a Table.
in the dialog you can specify also [x] - RAM, [x] - Temporary flags for the duplicate.
also you can specify that N records should be copied.
works for all databases: MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Valentina DB.
Valentina Studio 10.1.1 released Mar 12, 2020 (New Release)
[New][Pro][Schema Editor] – Duplicate command in the contextual menu of a Table.
in the dialog you can specify also [x] - RAM, [x] - Temporary flags for the duplicate.
also you can specify that N records should be copied.
works for all databases: MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Valentina DB.
Valentina Studio 10.1.0 released Mar 12, 2020 (New Release)
[New][Pro][Schema Editor] – Duplicate command in the contextual menu of a Table.
in the dialog you can specify also [x] - RAM, [x] - Temporary flags for the duplicate.
also you can specify that N records should be copied.
works for all databases: MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Valentina DB.
Valentina Studio 10.0.1 released Feb 24, 2020 (New Release)
[Fix][SQL Editor][MySQL] fixes in filtering out of DELIMITER commands.
Valentina Studio 10.0 released Jan 20, 2020 (New Release)
[Fix][SQL Editor][MySQL] fixes in filtering out of DELIMITER commands.

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