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view3dscene for Windows 7 - Explore 3D models with ease. - Windows 7 Download

view3dscene Windows 7

view3dscene 3.18.0

"Experience immersive 3D viewing with our top-rated software."

Looking for a powerful 3D model viewer that won't cost you an arm and a leg? Check out view3dscene, a top-rated software developed by Michalis Kamburelis. Designed with advanced capabilities, this Windows 7 app lets you easily view, inspect, and edit various 3D scenes and objects with stunning results. For those who demand precision and control, view3dscene is a must-have tool that delivers on all fronts. Whether you're a professional or student, download view3dscene today and take your 3D modeling to the next level!

view3dscene 3.18.0 full details

File Size: 5.20 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2018-02-01
Downloads: Total: 646 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Michalis Kamburelis
Publisher URL:

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User Rating: 2.6 (15 votes)

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view3dscene 3.18.0 full description

view3dscene is a designed as a simple and easy-to-use VRML / X3D browser, and a viewer for other 3D model formats.
Now you can make use of this useful piece of software to explore, view and analyze all the 3D images you want.


· Various navigation modes are available: Examine (easily rotate and move the whole model), Walk (walk like in FPS games, with collision detection, gravity and related features available), Fly (similar to Walk but without gravity).
· Conversion of Collada, 3DS, MD3, Wavefront OBJ and GEO files to X3D.
· You can convert between X3D classic and XML encodings (in both directions), and you can convert from VRML 2 to X3D. You can also use view3dscene as a "pretty-printer", just open and save any VRML/X3D file without any version conversion.
· Command-line options to convert in batch mode (--write) are available in view3dscene. Special minimized binary tovrmlx3d (useful to install on servers without GUI libraries available) is also included in view3dscene archive.
· A wealth of Kambi engine's rendering features are available, like GLSL shaders, bump mapping and shadows.
· Built-in ray-tracer (that is also available as a separate command-line program, rayhunter) to generate nice views of the scene (with shadows, mirrors, and transmittance). Classic ray-tracer implements exactly VRML 97 / X3D lighting equations.
· You can inspect your model (select triangles by clicking right mouse button in Walk / Fly mode, and use menu item Help -> Selected object information).
· There are also very limited editing capabilities. They are intended to be used only as post-processing of some model. We intentionally do not try to implement a full 3D authoring program here.
· Interactive animations may be played from VRML / X3D files, using sensors, scripts, interpolators and all other VRML events features.
· You can activate VRML pointing-device sensors by clicking with left mouse button (the cursor will change shape and you will get status information when your cursor is over some clickable sensor). Note that this works only when Collision detection is on (as it requires octree).
· Precalculated animations are played from Kanim or MD3 files (and you can convert any interactive VRML/X3D animation to precalculated one).
· Note that for now, for precalculated animations some features (collision checking, mouse picking, ray-tracer — everything that requires some octree) always use the first animation frame, regardless of current animation frame displayed.
· There are menu items and command-line options to catch screenshots and movies of 3D scenes and animations. GNOME users will be happy to hear that it can also be used as Nautilus thumbnailer, providing thumbnails when you view directory with VRML / X3D and other 3D models. We can also make a special "screenshot" of 3D environment as a cube map (to DDS, or six separate images).

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