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VirtMus Portable full changelog

VirtMus Portable full changelog

VirtMus Portable 4.00 released Apr 29, 2015 (New Release)
The ability to attach tags to songs and playlists, and to view the songs and playlists belonging to a tag.
Added statistics collection/logging.
Prevent the screen saver from starting while playing.
VirtMus Portable 3.20 released Jul 15, 2012 (New Release)
Features added:
· Better support for Windows 7
· When closing the application, the user now has the choice of saving some or all of the modified contents.
· PlayLists can now be tagged (from the quot;Propertiesquot; window)
· New toolbar button allows the user to quickly toggle the scrolling amount from 100% (a full page) to 50% (half a page at a time). This comes in handy when one image contains two music pages side-by-side (ex. when copied from a book). Toggling the scroll amount to 50% results in music pages being scrolled one at a time instead of two at a time.
· A secondary PDF renderer was added and is now being used for some types of PDF files that used to show gibberish with the original renderer.

Improvements or bugs fixed:
· Better handling when the music repository is moved to a different drive or different location on the same drive.
· Upgraded to NetBeans 7.1.2
· Upgraded some of the external libraries used by VirtMus
VirtMus Portable 3.00 released May 23, 2012 (New Release)
Features added:
· Added the ability to undo annotations.
· A double-click, or a right-click on the thumbnails now displays them in the annotation window.
· Multi-threaded some operations to speed things up.

Improvements or bugs fixed:
· PDFs that have different resolutions in the X and Y direction are now handled properly.
· Improved the display of help in Linux.
· Fixed rendering of rotated PDF pages.

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