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Virtual Serial Port Driver for Windows 7 - "Enhance data flow with Virtual Serial Port Driver." - Windows 7 Download

Virtual Serial Port Driver Windows 7

Virtual Serial Port Driver 11

Transform your Windows 7 experience with Virtual Serial Port Driver.

Introducing the perfect solution for seamless communication between applications through virtual serial ports- The Virtual Serial Port Driver developed by Eltima Software. With its advanced features, this software is the ultimate choice for software developers and device manufacturers. Upgrade your communication experience today with this versatile software that allows you to create and integrate an unlimited number of virtual serial ports on your computer. Experience the power of enhanced communication with this software- the ultimate gateway to data exchange between devices and applications.

Virtual Serial Port Driver 11 full details

File Size: 6.95 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $139.95
Released: 2023-03-23
Downloads: Total: 6689 | This Month: 12
Publisher: Electronic Team, Inc.
Publisher URL:

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Virtual Serial Port DriverOtherWindows 7/8/8.1/10/11 (32/64-bit), Windows Server 2012/2016/2019/2022, Windows on ARM

User Rating: 3.6 (26 votes)

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Virtual Serial Port Driver 11 full description

Virtual Serial Port Driver is an effective, comprehensive application that allows for easy management of physical and virtual serial ports. Its ability to customize port parameters and create complex port bundles makes it an ideal solution for many diverse situations. VSPD 10 features include the ability to split a single physical COM port into several virtual ports that appear identical to the hardware interface. Physical serial ports and connected devices can be shared by multiple applications. You can redirect data transmission by linking multiple virtual ports to one physical port, allowing your application to receive data simultaneously from all virtual ports through the physical interface. The app supports creation and management of complex port bundles. This allows two-way transmission of serial data by unlimited virtual and physical ports. You can manage hardware control lines by setting a Main Port for both the 'IN' and 'OUT' side of the bundle. Applications that can only take advantage of a limited number of serial ports can use the advanced Switcher feature. This allows several physical ports to be joined into one virtual port. By creating a switcher in your application, your program can use any free serial port when it needs to transmit or receive data. Virtual Serial Port Driver allows you to create a loopback connection to set up a serial communication where serial data is sent and received by the same serial port. Merging of serial ports is another advanced feature available in Virtual Serial Port Driver 10. This option allows you to add unlimited physical and virtual serial ports to any single port bundle that has not been divided into 'IN' and 'OUT' sides. This feature enables all devices and applications to simultaneously communicate with multiple devices or applications. All traffic sent to one port is replicated to all other bundled ports, either physical or virtual.

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Virtual Serial Port Driver 11 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Added: new software drivers signed by Microsoft, the possibility to reset serial ports' data statistics, displaying custom settings of physical ports in the selected port bundle, the possibility to use a virtual port from an earlier created bundle as a physical port in a new bundle.
Updated: SDK user guide.
Fixed: minor issues with the command-line interface, minor issues with the option to back up and restore port bundle settings compatibility issues with 12th Gen Intel® Core™ processors.
Lots of other minor bug fixes and performance optimizations.
[ Virtual Serial Port Driver release history ]

Virtual Serial Port Driver 11 Windows 7 requirements

Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 (32/64-bit), Windows Server 2012/2016/2019/2022, Windows on ARM

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