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Visual Comparer Portable for Windows 7 - "Revolutionize File Comparison - Visual Comparer Portable" - Windows 7 Download

Visual Comparer Portable Windows 7

Visual Comparer Portable 1.80 B0610

"Enhance your file comparison with Visual Comparer Portable - the ultimate tool for analyzing differences in Windows 7 software."

Visual Comparer Portable is a standout program developed by Nikeware that Windows 7 users shouldn't miss. This efficient software lets you compare files and folders with ease, highlighting the differences in a user-friendly interface. Its portability ensures that you can access it from anywhere, and it works without installation. Its smooth and responsive performance, coupled with a robust set of features, makes Visual Comparer Portable a must-have tool for professionals and enthusiasts alike. Get ready to experience file comparison like never before!

Visual Comparer Portable 1.80 B0610 full details

File Size: 16.00 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $29.00
Released: 2024-05-13
Downloads: Total: 443 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Nikeware
Publisher URL:

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Visual Comparer PortableFile & Disk ManagementWindows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.3 (36 votes)

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Visual Comparer Portable 1.80 B0610 full description

Visual Comparer is a software utility having text files and files of special formats comparison as the main feature. Visual Comparer allows you to load text files for comparing, perform matching and merging operations as well as to edit the text as if it were a fully-functional text editor. Visual Comparer is intended mainly for software and web site developers who require a special text editor with syntax highlighting and visual comparing feature. It is a great match for Diff Commander! After comparing two folders you can compare different files more thoroughly. Just run Visual Comparer from Diff Commander for such files!


· compare two text files;
· syntax highlight (C++, JScript, Perl and more);
· full-function text editor with support of Undo/Redo;
· line matching engine;
· support text files in Unicode and UTF-8 formats (unicode version only);
· support DOS, Unix, Macintosh and mixed "end-of-line" formats;
· toggle views orientation (horizontal/vertical);
· running from command line and interactive selection of files at start up; command line parameters: VisCmp.exe "" ""
· ully customizable menu, toolbars and key accelerators;
· for more features, see please latest and previuos versions description;

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