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Visual Paradigm for UML Standard Edition for Windows 7 - The Ultimate UML Design Tool. - Windows 7 Download

Visual Paradigm for UML Standard Edition Windows 7

Visual Paradigm for UML Standard Edition 17.2 B20240604

"Revolutionize your UML modeling with this powerful software."

Are you in search of a comprehensive tool for designing UML models? Look no further than Visual Paradigm for UML Standard Edition. Developed by Visual Paradigm, this software offers an intuitive interface, powerful features, and a variety of diagramming tools to help you create, edit, and analyze UML models effortlessly. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, Visual Paradigm for UML Standard Edition is the perfect solution for all your UML diagramming needs.

Visual Paradigm for UML Standard Edition 17.2 B20240604 full details

File Size: 796.00 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $19.00
Released: 2024-06-04
Downloads: Total: 7261 | This Month: 18
Publisher: Visual Paradigm
Publisher URL:

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User Rating: 3.5 (82 votes)

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Visual Paradigm for UML Standard Edition 17.2 B20240604 full description

Visual Paradigm for UML is a professional UML tool that supports complete software lifecycle - object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, construction, testing and deployment.Visual Paradigm for UML (Standard Edition) is a powerfull tool that generates code from diagrams and generates documentation.

The UML modeling software helps you build quality applications faster, better and at lower cost. You can draw all types of class diagrams, reverse code, generate code from diagrams and generate documentation. The UML CASE tool also provides abundant UML tutorials, UML interactive demonstrations and UML projects.

Visual Paradigm for UML is a professional UML tool that supports complete software lifecycle - object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, construction, testing and deployment. The UML modeling software helps you build quality applications faster, better and at lower cost.

You can draw all types of class diagrams, reverse code, generate code from diagrams and generate documentation. The UML CASE tool also provides abundant UML tutorials, UML interactive demonstrations and UML projects.


· The latest UML support (class diagram, use case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, state diagram, activity diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram)
· OO analysis (OOA), OO design (OOD) support
· Use case modeling
· Textual analysis for identifying candidate actors, use cases, classes...
· CRC (Class-Responsibility-Collaborator) Card diagram
· Business Workflow diagram - Process, Decision, Business Actor, Document
· Incremental roundtrip engineering
· Reverse engineering - code to model, code to diagram (Java to UML models, Java to class diagram)
· Reverse engineering Java, C++, XML Schema, XML, DotNET exe/dll, CORBA IDL
· Code Generation - model to code, diagram to code (UML model to code, class diagram to Java)
· Auto-synchronization between source code and diagrams
· Report generator for generating documentation
· Automatic diagram layout - rearrange classes and connectors in UML diagrams
· Import XMI file/export XMI file
· Import Rational Rose project file
· Microsoft Visio Integration - draw UML diagrams with Visio stencils
· Export diagrams to images (PNG, JPG, SVG)
· Version control
· Plugin and template
· Multilingual support

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