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Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder for Windows 7 - Locate duplicate images quickly. - Windows 7 Download

Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder Windows 7

Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder

Find and remove image duplicates effortlessly. Perfect for photographers and designers.

Introducing the ultimate solution for all your image organizing woes - Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder by MindGems Inc. This powerful software is designed to quickly scan and identify duplicate photos and images stored on your Windows 7 PC. With its advanced algorithms, you can easily free up precious disk space and streamline your image collection. Its intuitive interface is easy to navigate, making it accessible to users of all technical levels. Download Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder today and enjoy a cleaner, more organized digital life.

Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder full details

File Size: 9.31 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $24.95
Released: 2024-02-23
Downloads: Total: 2003 | This Month: 15
Publisher: MindGems Inc.
Publisher URL:

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Visual Similarity Duplicate Image FinderOtherWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinOther, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP, Other

User Rating: 3.7 (29 votes)

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Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder windows 7 compatible

Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder full description

Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder's main goal is to help you find fast all similar and duplicate images in a folder and its sub folders. Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder uses advanced algorithms to find similar images in a way that a human does. Due to that fact it can find similar images even if they are in different image formats, different bit depth and image sizes. You can specify a percent of image similarity that will be used during the scan. Using the similarity percentage level you can broaden your results or you can specify exact match varying only in image format and/or size. When the scan process is finished the program shows you all images with duplicates and can automatically mark the smaller resolution and/or smaller file size images for deletion. And with a couple of mouse clicks you can get rid off all duplicate images and save valuable disk space. It supports most poppular image formats, has an intuitive user interface and is well documented. Due to its innovative and optimised algorithms it is the fastests and the most precise product of this type on the market. It allows you to process huge ammount of images in less time. Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder is a powerful utility for finding similar and duplicate images in a folder and all its sub folders. It has the following features: Find all similar and duplicate images in a folder and all its sub folders User can adjust the percent of image similarity Smaller resolution duplicates can be automatically marked for deletion Smaller file size duplicates can be automatically marked for deletion Show preview for original and duplicate images User can mark the images for deletion Duplicate images can be moved to Recycle Bin or deleted Supports many image file formats Has intuitive interface and rich documentation More info: homepage

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Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Added: Improved "Auto-check";Added: Improved error reporting
[ Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder release history ]

Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder Windows 7 requirements

Pentium-133 or better 32 Mb Ram 2 mb Hdd space Hi-Color display

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