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VisualXPORT for Inventor for Windows 7 - Effortlessly Export Inventor Files - Windows 7 Download

VisualXPORT for Inventor Windows 7

VisualXPORT for Inventor

"Revolutionize Inventor file exporting with VisualXPORT, the ultimate tool for seamless compatibility."

VisualXPORT for Inventor by MecSoft Corporation is a powerful software for all Inventor users. This software is specifically designed to convert Inventor parts and assemblies in a 3D PDF format. It allows users to put great attention to details, saving time and giving precision to your customers. VisualXPORT is easy to use, with a plug and play functionality that will enable you to get started immediately. With VisualXPORT for Inventor, sharing and showcasing your designs has never been easier. Try it out today!

VisualXPORT for Inventor full details

File Size: 63.60 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: FREE
Released: 2012-05-10
Downloads: Total: 201 | This Month: 8
Publisher: MecSoft Corporation
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VisualXPORT for InventorCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 3.3 (13 votes)

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VisualXPORT for Inventor full description

VisualXPORT for Inventor is a direct plug-in for Inventor 2011 that lets users export their parts in VisualMILL formatted files (.vcp). This solution provides an enhanced workflow for companies that design in Inventor and use VisualMILL in their manufacturing process. One of the primary benefits of Inventor is that it offers users export options beyond STL, IGES and STEP formats. With VisualXPORT for Inventor you can export: 2D & 3D Sketches (curves), Solids with combined faces, Solids with separate faces and individual surfaces. VisualXPORT for Inventor is compatible with Inventor versions 2011, 32 and 64-bit versions.

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