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Wave Corrector Professional for Windows 7 - Revolutionary audio editing software. - Windows 7 Download

Wave Corrector Professional Windows 7

Wave Corrector Professional 3.7

Improve your audio quality with Wave Corrector Professional - the ultimate audio editing software.

Introducing Wave Corrector Professional – the ultimate tool for audio restoration and editing on Windows 7. Developed by Ganymede Test and Measurement, this software boasts advanced features for precise audio correction and noise reduction. With an intuitive interface and powerful capabilities, you can easily clean up audio recordings and enhance their quality. Say goodbye to hissing, popping, crackling and other unwanted sounds in your audio files, and hello to crystal clear recordings. Download Wave Corrector Professional today and experience professional-grade audio editing at your fingertips.

Wave Corrector Professional 3.7 full details

File Size: 1.32 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $59.00
Released: 2011-10-24
Downloads: Total: 248 | This Month: 14
Publisher: Ganymede Test and Measurement
Publisher URL:

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User Rating: 3.0 (16 votes)

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Wave Corrector Professional 3.7 full description

Aimed at both the casual user and the serious archivist, Wave Corrector is a true WYSIWYG waveform corrector which automatically removes clicks and hiss from vinyl and tape/cassette recordings. Correction artefacts are kept to a very low level by sophisticated algorithms which replicate the waveform underlying the noise. Other tools include digital filters to remove hum and rumble and for correcting tonal balance. The program also divides multi-track album files into separate CD track files. Unlike other similar products, Wave Corrector allows individual click corrections to be auditioned and edited (adjusted) for maximum fidelity. Corrections can also be manually inserted or removed. A graphical display overlays the corrected and uncorrected waveforms so that they can be visually as well as aurally compared. Even badly damaged original recordings can thereby be restored to near pristine condition and the user has complete control over the restoration process.

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Wave Corrector Professional 3.7 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
added FLAC format support and resampling
[ Wave Corrector Professional release history ]

Wave Corrector Professional 3.7 Windows 7 requirements

At least 2GB of hard disk space; soundcard for record/playback functions

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... both the casual user and the serious archivist, Wave Corrector is a true WYSIWYG waveform corrector which ...
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