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Windows Games Tweaker for Windows 7 - Boost Your Gaming Performance with Windows Games Tweaker - Windows 7 Download

Windows Games Tweaker Windows 7

Windows Games Tweaker 2.0

"Unlock the Ultimate Gaming Experience with Windows Games Tweaker - Optimize Your System Today!"

Looking to enhance your gaming experience on Windows 7? Look no further than Windows Games Tweaker by Kishan Bagaria. This intuitive software allows you to customize various settings to optimize performance and improve visual effects. From adjusting DirectX settings to disabling unnecessary processes, Windows Games Tweaker gives you the power to seamlessly fine-tune your gaming experience. Download it now and experience gaming like never before.

Windows Games Tweaker 2.0 full details

File Size: 512 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2013-08-21
Downloads: Total: 455 | This Month: 44
Publisher: Kishan Bagaria
Publisher URL:

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Windows Games TweakerOtherWindows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.8 (13 votes)

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Windows Games Tweaker 2.0 full description

Windows Games Tweaker is a freeware from door2windows that allows you to enable a secret debug menu and add quick access to change appearance options in Windows 7/Vista games.

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