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WinRichCopy for Windows 7 - "WinRichCopy: Speedy, Reliable File Copying Tool" - Windows 7 Download

WinRichCopy Windows 7

WinRichCopy 1.0.0

"Explore WinRichCopy - a robust, fast file copying tool for Windows 7!"

Welcome to the home of WinRichCopy, an innovative software developed by the talented Iordan Zahariev Iordanov. This Windows 7 compatible software is a game-changer for those seeking a robust, reliable, and efficient tool for copying files. WinRichCopy offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of copying large amounts of data. It's designed to significantly speed up file copying, and it comes with a plethora of options to customize your copying process. This software is a must-have for anyone who regularly deals with large file transfers. Experience the power and convenience of WinRichCopy today!

WinRichCopy 1.0.0 full details

File Size: 696 kB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2011-08-04
Downloads: Total: 253 | This Month: 37
Publisher: Iordan Zahariev Iordanov
Publisher URL:

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WinRichCopyFile & Disk ManagementWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 2.6 (10 votes)

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WinRichCopy windows 7 compatible

WinRichCopy 1.0.0 full description

Welcome to the home of WinRichCopy, an innovative software solution developed by the brilliant Iordan Zahariev Iordanov. This Windows 7 compatible software is a game-changer for those seeking to streamline their file management tasks. WinRichCopy is a multi-threaded copying tool that surpasses the standard Windows copying function, offering a faster, more efficient way to manage your files.

WinRichCopy is designed to significantly reduce the time and effort involved in copying or moving files and folders. It achieves this by utilizing multiple threads to process data, thereby increasing the speed of file transfer and reducing the time spent waiting for tasks to complete.

But the benefits don't stop there. WinRichCopy also offers a host of advanced features, such as the ability to copy only new or modified files, to pause and resume copying at any time, and to control the buffer size. This makes it a versatile tool that can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Whether you're a professional seeking to optimize your workflow, or a casual user looking to enhance your file management capabilities, WinRichCopy is the tool for you. Experience the difference today with WinRichCopy, the ultimate file management solution for Windows 7.

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WinRichCopy 1.0.0 Windows 7 requirements

.Net Framework

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