Win7 Download Professional full changelog Professional full changelog Professional 16.3.0 released Mar 30, 2016 (New Release)
version 16.3.0 (March 30, 2016)
+ ScanFiles patterns were updated
+ StartUp algorithm was updated
+ minor changes of interface
* SplashScreen bug was fixed Professional 12.2.1 released Apr 3, 2012 (New Release)
version 12.2.1 (April 03, 2012)
+ new point of context menu of Scan Reg was added
+ exclude list was updated
+ exclude algorithm of Scan Reg was changed
+ lng files were updated Professional 12.1.1 released Feb 14, 2012 (New Release)
version 12.1 (February 14, 2012)
+ speed of Scan Files algorithm was increased
+ Shred Files algorithm was optimized
+ minor changes of interface
* a bug of Help button of Language.exe module was fixed
+ lng files were updated Professional 11.12.1 released Dec 15, 2011 (New Release)
version 11.12.1 (December 15, 2011)
* bug in Services list was fixed
* Start/Stop service crash was fixed
+ refreshing algorithm of services was updated
+ lng files were updated Professional 11.11.1 released Nov 23, 2011 (New Release)
version 11.11.1 (November 23, 2011)
+ NAG Screen of Everything Tab was removed
* some bugs of lng-files were fixed
+ minor changes of interface
+ program protection was updated
+ lng files were updated Professional 11.7.1 released Jul 8, 2011 (New Release)
version 11.7.1 (July 08, 2011)
+ loading speed of the program was increased
+ refresh algorithm of Processes list was updated
+ progress bar for every list of Startup Manager was added
+ minor changes of program interface
+ lng files were updated Professional 11.5.1 released May 22, 2011 (New Release)
version 11.5.1 (May 23, 2011)
+ loading speed was increased
+ Progress Bar for Uninstall List was added
+ loading algorithm of Uninstall List was updated
+ Full Path column for Uninstall List was updated
+ Reg Edit button was updated
* a bug in Uninstall status was fixed
+ ... Professional 11.4.1 released Apr 6, 2011 (New Release)
version 11.4.1 (April 07, 2011)
+ new tool Everything Startup was added
+ System Status dialog was updated
+ one registry exclude was added
+ switching speed was added
+ minor changes of program interface
+ lng files were updated... Professional 11.1.1 released Feb 21, 2011 (New Release)
version 11.1.1 (February 21, 2011)
+ 'Missing Shared DLLs' algorithm was added
+ 'Application Paths' algorithm was added
+ 'Scan MUI Cache' algorithm was added
+ 'Installer Junk' algorithm was added
+ 'Invalid Add/Remove Links' algorithm was optimized
... Professional 10.08.1 released Aug 9, 2010 (New Release)
version 10.8.1 (August 10, 2010)
+ Main Window of the program was updated
+ Status Window was added
+ lng files were updated Professional for Windows 7 - free download notice

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