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WinVal. Valoracion acido base for Windows 7 - WinVal - Evaluate Acids & Bases - Windows 7 Download

WinVal. Valoracion acido base Windows 7

WinVal. Valoracion acido base 2.0.2

WinVal: The Ultimate Acid-Base Valuation Tool for Windows 7.

Get accurate and reliable acid-base assessments with WinVal by VaxaSoftware. This impressive software is aimed at educators and students alike, providing an excellent tool for chemistry courses. With its user-friendly interface, WinVal simplifies the complicated calculations of acid-base equilibria while giving precise results. Whether you're a professional chemist or looking to improve your academic performance, WinVal is a must-have tool for your chemical toolbox. Download now and experience it for yourself!

WinVal. Valoracion acido base 2.0.2 full details

File Size: 674 kB
License: Free To Try
Price: $7.00
Released: 2023-02-01
Downloads: Total: 594 | This Month: 10
Publisher: VaxaSoftware
Publisher URL:

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WinVal. Valoracion acido baseScienceWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.4 (18 votes)

WinVal. Valoracion acido base - Windows 7 Download awards

WinVal. Valoracion acido base windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award

WinVal. Valoracion acido base 2.0.2 full description

WinVal - Curva de pH de valoracion acido-base con cambio de color del indicador + tabla de datos. 4 tipos de valoraciones: Acido fuerte, acido debil, base fuerte y base debil. Podemos seleccionar hasta 27 indicadores (incluyendo 10 indicadores fluorescentes). Se muestra el cambio de color del indicador (formas acida y basica) a lo largo de la curva de pH. Podemos imprimir la grafica del pH y la tabla de resultados. 27 INDICADORES: amarillo de alizarina GG azul de bromofenol azul de bromotimol fenolftaleina m-cresolpurpura naranja de metilo purpura de bromocresol rojo congo rojo de bromofenol rojo de cresol rojo de fenol rojo de metilo rojo neutro timolftaleina tornasol violeta de metilo 4-dimetilaminobenzol (F) esculina (F) beta-naftilamina (F) alfa-naftilamina (F) fluoresceina (F) eosina (F) eritrosina (F) acridina (F) umbeliferona (F) cumarina (F) beta-metil umbeliferona NOTA: (F) = Indicador fluorescente Rapido y facil de usar. Completo manual de usuario con ejemplos.

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