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Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite full changelog

Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite full changelog

Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite released Jan 11, 2016 (New Release)
LMP version reading for a Local Bluetooth Radio Module;
LMP subversion reading for a Local Bluetooth Radio Module;
HCI version reading for a Local Bluetooth Radio Module;
HCI revision reading for a Local Bluetooth Radio Module.
Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite released Oct 8, 2015 (New Release)
BLE: Write characteristic value;
BLE: Characteristics changes notification;
VCL: BLE Demo redesigned;
Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite released Jul 9, 2015 (New Release)
.NET Framework 4.6 (Visual Studio 2015, Windows 10) support;
Fixed bug in C# WiFi Demo;
GetVersionEx depricated warning removed to support new Windows SDK (Windows 8, 8.1, 10)
Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite released Jul 9, 2015 (New Release)
wclBluetoothHandsFreeClient and wclAVRCPClient: full asynchronous connection has been implemented
wclAuthenticator bug fix: OnPinRequest event has not fired when a remote device connects to a PC running Toshiba Bluetooth Stack
Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite released May 26, 2015 (New Release)
Bug in WiFi Manager which may cause a dead-lock when connecting to a WiFi network has been fixed;
Workaround for Microsoft Bluetooth pairing API (using Pair method) which causes possible A/V or BSOD has been added.
Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite released Apr 30, 2015 (New Release)
Critical memory leak has been fixed;
Minor bugs have been fixed.
Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite released Mar 20, 2015 (New Release)
Fixed bug in VB.NET BluetoothDiscovery Demo which cause an error during Pair call;
Now Pair returns more error codes what gives more information about pairing process (Microsoft Bluetooth drivers);
Fixed bug in Pair method which cause to pair with other device that function was called for (Microsoft and BlueSoleil Bluetooth drivers).
Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite released Feb 17, 2015 (New Release)
Reading LMP version of local radio;
Fixed issue with "Remote device connects to PC" popup message when call wclBluetoothDevice.Pair with Microsoft Bluetooth drivers;
Fixed bug when devices were not found (Discovering error) during discovering with BlueSoleil drivers (C++ and .NET Editions);
Fixed bug with remote device name reading on BlueSoleil BT drivers (C++ and .NET Editions)
Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite released Jan 8, 2015 (New Release)
BlueSoleil: critical bug which does not allow to connect to device has been fixed;
PBAP Client: default service has been changed from PhonebookServiceClass_UUID to PhonebookServerEquipmentServiceClass_UUID (check supported service before connetc by calling EnumServices);
C++ Edition: 2 lost UUIDs have been added;
.NET Edition: some bugs in VB.NET Demos have been fixed.
Wireless Communication Library .NET Lite released Dec 11, 2014 (New Release)
BlueSoleil devices Discovering has been reworked for BLE devices support;
BlueSoleil devices name reading has been reworked for BLE devices support;
IsBLESupported function has been removed from wclBluetoothDevice class;
wclBluetoothDiscovery has been updated to discover only non BLE devices (BlueSoleil);

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