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wodMailServer for Windows 7 - "Maximize email efficiency with wodMailServer." - Windows 7 Download

wodMailServer Windows 7

wodMailServer 2

Discover Powerful Mail Server Software For Seamless Communication!

Get your email server under control with wodMailServer, the top-notch software developed by WeOnlyDo Software. Enjoy secure and dependable communication with support for SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4 protocols. Flexible configuration options allow you to customize your server to suit your specific needs, ensuring optimal performance. wodMailServer is a must-have for those seeking streamlined email management. Try it now and see for yourself why it's the go-to software for professionals.

wodMailServer 2 full details

File Size: 1.08 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $409.00
Released: 2003-02-10
Downloads: Total: 267 | This Month: 6
Publisher: WeOnlyDo Software
Publisher URL:

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wodMailServerActive XWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 2000, Windows 2003

User Rating: 3.3 (17 votes)

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wodMailServer 2 full description

WeOnlyDo! Mail Server is a set of components to create standalone full mail server system on your network. It contains our Pop3Server, ImapServer, SmtpServer and Mailbox LITE components. Combined all four together, they make a powerful package that can be used to receive incoming mail from outer networks, usually Internet, to provide Pop3 and Imap mailboxes to your employees. Using strength of Mailbox component, you can access complete users' mailboxes at once. Just open user's mailbox, get information about messages, delete them, add new ones, create messages on the fly, etc.. Imagine what you could do with MailServer components: you can deny spam email to be forwarded to users' mailboxes you can create messages on the fly for each user you can add messages to their mailboxes as needed you can change information in their mailboxes, unzip files for them... you can publish attached files directly to your public folder you can automatically, as new email arrives, open it on your screen - just the way you want it you can send messages to your coworkers just by writing to their mailboxes - and do it professionally you can extract messages directly from your mailbox and open it in your favorite mail client... Can you think of more? Sure you can. You will find a place for this package, depending on your needs. All four components (Pop3Server, SmtpServer, ImapServer and Mailbox) are same as in separate packages.

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wodMailServer 2 Windows 7 requirements

Operating System: Windows

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