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World Wind Java SDK for Windows 7 - Explore the world with World Wind. - Windows 7 Download

World Wind Java SDK Windows 7

World Wind Java SDK 0.6.893.15860

"Experience the world like never before with World Wind Java SDK - a must-have download for Windows 7 users!"

Introducing the World Wind Java SDK, a powerful software system that brings NASA's vast archive of satellite imagery straight to your desktop. Developed by Patrick Hogan, this cutting-edge technology provides a wealth of data and functionalities that simply cannot be found anywhere else. Get up-to-date information on weather patterns, topography, and even planetary maps with the click of a button. And with its intuitive, user-friendly interface, the World Wind Java SDK is perfect for anyone from amateur meteorologists to serious scientists. Download it today and explore the world like never before!

World Wind Java SDK 0.6.893.15860 full details

File Size: 24.69 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2011-07-19
Downloads: Total: 1482 | This Month: 19
Publisher: Patrick Hogan
Publisher URL:

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World Wind Java SDKOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 3.2 (18 votes)

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World Wind Java SDK 0.6.893.15860 full description

With World Wind Java SDK, developers can embed World Wind technology in their own applications. World Wind Java SDK contains all the necessary files to get you started in implementing World Wind technology in your projects.

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World Wind Java SDK 0.6.893.15860 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
· PlacenameLayer updated - see layers.placename package and examples.Placenames
· TerrainProfileLayer new 'follow path' mode - see examples.MeasureToolUsage
· Terrain intersection test for Line and elevation. See terrain.SectorGeometryList and render.ContourLine
· On-screen layers display location offset - see layers.Compass, WorldMap, Scalebar...
· New format support: tab, tiff and world file - see format package
[ World Wind Java SDK release history ]

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