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WoT Monitor Gadget for Windows 7 - "Track Your WoT Progress" - WoT Monitor Gadget for Windows 7 - Windows 7 Download

WoT Monitor Gadget Windows 7

WoT Monitor Gadget 2.8

"Track your World of Tanks statistics with ease – WoT Monitor Gadget."

Looking for a reliable way to keep track of your World of Tanks progress? WoT Monitor Gadget by Timur Software has got you covered! With its intuitive interface and real-time statistics tracking, this Windows 7 software is a must-have for any serious WoT player. Whether you're monitoring vehicle stats, battle performance, or clan rankings, this gadget makes it easy to stay on top of your game. Plus, with automatic updates and customization options, you can tailor your experience to suit your needs. Download WoT Monitor Gadget today and take your World of Tanks skills to the next level!

WoT Monitor Gadget 2.8 full details

File Size: 543 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2012-11-23
Downloads: Total: 10652 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Timur Software
Publisher URL:

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WoT Monitor GadgetOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 3.7 (60 votes)

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WoT Monitor Gadget windows 7 compatible

WoT Monitor Gadget 2.8 full description

User achievements information is updated every 15 minutes by default (can be adjusted in the translations file) and also after pressing the title with user name. You can hide the unneeded features using check-boxes from the third settings panel.

Using this gadget new players can choose a version with lowest ping for the installation. Also you can check the ping of your version before starting the game. It is very important to save your network resources when gadget is running, therefore it automatically switches to ping per minute after one minute of intensive ping. You can DblClick at the top area of the gadget in order to wake it up. Fast ping Interval can be changed in the translations file.

You are enabled to choose a skin, select your region and switch radio-channels in the settings.
You are enabled to replace radio-player by banners or by your own picture.

In the "Displayed Name" field you can enter your user name or any other text. Also you can leave this field empty, enter your profile URL and save settings. In this case user name will be taken from the URL automatically.
Enter the address of your gaming profile in the "Profile URL" field, you can find it here.
Last 2-weeks statistics contains 3 bars with tooltips (numbers and percents):
1) Daily battles played.
2) Daily victories.
3) Daily average experience. (Daily experience / Daily battles played )

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WoT Monitor Gadget 2.8 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
· Fixed problem with displaying achievements. (Not for Russian region)
· Ping feature was improved in the main window.
· Replaced dead radio-channels.
· Cosmetic improvements in the radio-player.
[ WoT Monitor Gadget release history ]

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