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XmlSplit full changelog

XmlSplit full changelog

XmlSplit released Dec 13, 2023 (New Release)
Resolved an issue in two of the Miscellaneous split methods: Split when attribute value changes and split when namespace changes. Prefixed namespaces that were declared in the root element and user did not include them in the Options tab textbox for the root element resulted in split files that are not well-formed XML because they contained undeclared namespaces. The Options tab now autofills the root element textbox if it is left empty and also includes a tooltip that the root element may be dragdropped from the XML Viewer. The help file was updated to include this information.
Fixed bug in XML Viewer that impacted the licensed version only. An attempt to collapse an element in the treeview where the element has a large number of child nodes sometimes failed with the message "Unable to collapse."
XmlSplit released Aug 22, 2023 (New Release)
Some of the split Options have been revised to provide greater flexibility. The Threshold Element is now enabled whenever the Preserve Structure option is enabled. Complex spitting operations, particularly ones where the XML needs to be split at an element with a depth greater than one, can now be accomplished entirely by the Wizard, including the scripts it generates.
All split Methods now support the Threshold Element option.
All options that are not supported by the split Method chosen by the user are now disabled in the Options tab. Disabled options are not applied when the XML is split, even if they are not blank.
XmlSplit released Aug 3, 2023 (New Release)
XmlSplit released Jun 6, 2023 (New Release)
XmlSplit released May 5, 2023 (New Release)
Wizard now accepts XML file name as a commandline argument so it may be launched from File Explorer.
When the Wizard is used to split a file, the output files are now listed in a file explorer format that can be saved to csv or text with option to include the user inputs applied, e.g., split method and options.
Several UI improvements including better validation of user inputs, replacing annoying warning popups with status bar messages.
XmlSplit released Mar 29, 2020 (New Release)
Added an XML File Merge feature. A simple, file level merge that concatenates XML files in a manner that results in a well-formed XML file.
XmlSplit released Nov 12, 2014 (New Release)
Added an integrated XML viewer that supports unlimited file size and provides drag-drop into the element name input on the Methods tab.
Preserve structure option has a "Show" button the displays an editable list of the XML nodes that are auto-inserted at the beginning of each split file
Fixed a bug in the Split Size Method that could result in one additonal split file.
Fixed a bug that occured when the specified output file name had no extension,that resulted in the split files being written to the current app folder rather than the specified output folder and were and named with just the file counter.
XmlSplit released Jan 7, 2014 (New Release)
License registration is now handled entirely by the XmlSplit Wizard. The registration dialog in the Wizard allows entry of a list of licenses and additional licenses may be registered at any time. The xmlsplit.exe command line program no longer supports license registration using the /K arguemt.
Support was added for multiple users on a server. Each licensed user has their preferences saved to their user data folder.
XmlSplit released Aug 13, 2013 (New Release)
· A new split method has been added that allows the XML to be split into files of a specified size(approximately).
· The XmlScript Wizard has a redesigned user-interface intended to be more intuitive.

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