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Xopero Cloud Personal for Windows 7 - Securely backup to the cloud - Windows 7 Download

Xopero Cloud Personal Windows 7

Xopero Cloud Personal

"Backup your data effortlessly with Xopero Cloud Personal"

Xopero Cloud Personal, developed by XOPERO SOFTWARE S.A., provides a secure and reliable cloud backup solution to protect your important data. With easy setup and automatic backups, you can feel confident your files are always backed up safely. The user-friendly interface and flexible scheduling options make it convenient to manage your backups. Start protecting your precious files today with Xopero Cloud Personal.

Xopero Cloud Personal full details

File Size: 24.07 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $59.99
Released: 2019-04-23
Downloads: Total: 74 | This Month: 10
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Xopero Cloud PersonalBackup & RestoreWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.0 (3 votes)

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Xopero Cloud Personal windows 7 compatible

Xopero Cloud Personal full description

Data security keeps you awake at night? Well, we have a perfect solution. Xopero Cloud Personal is a simple backup software that allows you to quickly and easily protect the data stored on your computer. You can decide which resources need to be protected: files and folders (e.g. Desktop and My Documents), mailbox or your collections of music, movies, and photos from your last vacation. In this way, you can even restore single elements when needed. Xopero allows you to create hard drive images, including the operating system, installed programmes, settings and stored data. As a result, in case of a system failure or hard disk damage you can rapidly return to work in a familiar environment. Backups are created automatically, and the application itself runs in the background and does not impact your computer in any way. Additionally, you can use a simple tool for synchronisation and sharing of encrypted data. That's right Xopero focuses on safety. That is why your files are encrypted with AES 256 (the same standard as used by banks and American government organisation NSA) before they even leave your computer. Next, the files are transferred to a data centre in Poland. Apart from standard security measures, our data centre also guarantees a redundant infrastructure, which means your files are being sent to two different locations. So even if one server room stops functioning, the data can be always recovered from the second one. Maximum security + 24/7 access from anywhere in the world

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Xopero Cloud Personal Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Brand new Xopero Cloud Web Panel:
Easier management
Data at your fingertips
Transparent design
[ Xopero Cloud Personal release history ]

Xopero Cloud Personal Windows 7 requirements

Windows XP SP3/Vista SP2/7 SP2/8.1/10; 2GB of RAM (4GB recommended); Intel / AMD dual-core processor

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... crashes or accidental deletions? Look no further than Xopero Cloud Personal. Developed by XOPERO SOFTWARE S.A., this ...
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