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xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner Software for Windows 7 - "Efficient Weighing & Scanning Software" - Windows 7 Download

xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner Software Windows 7

xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner Software

Transform your weighing and scanning experience with xWedge software. Boost efficiency today.

xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner Software by KeyInjector is a must-have for businesses in need of streamlining their inventory and weighing processes. This user-friendly software seamlessly integrates with existing systems to capture weight and barcode information, eliminating manual data entry. With customizable options and dynamic reporting capabilities, xWedge is an innovative solution that saves time and reduces errors. Improve your efficiency with xWedge!

xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner Software full details

File Size: 2.14 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $74.95
Released: 2019-01-31
Downloads: Total: 109 | This Month: 12
Publisher: KeyInjector
Publisher URL:

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xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner SoftwareOther Comms ToolsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 1.0 (1 vote)

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xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner Software windows 7 compatible

xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner Software full description

xWedge software enables serial weight scales and serial barcode scanners to communicate with Windows applications. xWedge will accept data from a serial weight scale or serial Barcode Scanner and convert the data to keystrokes. This allows information to be entered directly into your programs such as Excel, Access, Word or any other Windows program as if it were typed in using the keyboard. ECR mode is available on xWedge supported scales. Easy setup, No Programming Required. Instant Download. Features: Use with Microsoft Windows, Weight Scale Serial Software Wedge, Barcode Serial Wedge Software,Transfer Serial Data as Keystrokes, Reads Data from Two Ports Simultaneously, No Additional Programming Required, Supports COM-1 through COM-999, Runs in Background or Desktop, Autostart on System Re-Boot, Fully Buffered, Accurate and Reliable, Built in Diagnostic Mode, Selectable Hot Key Support F1-12, Hot Keys can use Shift, Alt & Ctrl, User Definable Device Triggers, User Definable Triggers Between Ports, Bi-Directional, Send Commands to Your Devices, Decodes Price Embedded Barcodes, Pre-Amble and Post-Amble Support, Macro Capability on Output String, Selectable Digits Only Filtering, Supports Two Scanners or Two Scales, Supports One Scanner and One Scale, Use any Two RS232 Serial Devices, Fast Data Transmission Very Low Memory and CPU Utilization.

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xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner Software Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Embedded Price Barcode Support
[ xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner Software release history ]

xWedge Weight Scale and Scanner Software Windows 7 requirements

Windows, RS232 Serial Port, Virtual Serial Port

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