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yoshinoGraph full changelog

yoshinoGraph full changelog

yoshinoGraph 7.0.2 released Jul 20, 2024 (New Release)
Improved auto-update function.
yoshinoGraph 6.1.5 released Oct 1, 2018 (New Release)
Implemented options to draw x- and y-center axes at preferred positions.
Fixed a bug that the numbers are unexpectedly written on the x-center axis when the "1/x" or "log|x|" scales are chosen.
yoshinoGraph 6.1.4 released Aug 21, 2018 (New Release)
Implemented an option to replace hyphens in numberings and labels with minus signs Uncheck the option in the "plot" tab on the "Preferences" window shown by [Help]-[Preferences] if one wants to leave hyphens as they are
Fixed a serious bug that wrong results are returned when using the "make table" function on the "Convert data " window shown by [Analyze]-[Convert Data] This bug was introduced in ver 612
Fixed a bug that the mouse cursor enexpectedly returns to normal while drawing a line/arrow
yoshinoGraph 6.1.3 released Jul 10, 2018 (New Release)
Implemented a function to determine the range and step of data generated by a fitting function on the "Fit power polynomial" window shown by [Analyze]-[Fit Power Polynomial].
Fixed a bug that yoshinoGRAPH crashes when a network card/Wi-Fi is on but Internet is unreachable
yoshinoGraph 6.1.2 released Sep 14, 2017 (New Release)
Implemented a function to show a remark line in the data file as the data names on the "Data selector" window shown by [Data]-[Select Data], [Data]-[Read Multifiles] and so on.
Added the option "0th" on the "Make equal interval table" window shown by pressing the "make table" button on the "Convert data" window shown by [Analyze]-[Convert Data]. The "0th" means just averaging the y-axis data".
Fixed some items are shown in English even when the "Japanese" is selected as the language.
yoshinoGraph 6.1.1 released Aug 30, 2017 (New Release)
Added the option "apply to all" to change the label-font settings (default font, sub-font and their sizes) on the "Edit label" window.
Added an option to choose the circle size "0" in the drop-down list on the "density" tab on the "Data selector" window shown by [Data]-[Select Column].
Fixed a bug that the plot range for px, py and pz-axes is not considered in making a 2D plot.
Caution!! If your data disappear in the graph that you created by an older version of yoshinoGRAPH, refresh the plot range by the "full ragne" button on the "Input plot range" window shown by [Analyze]-[Plot Range].
yoshinoGraph 6.1.0 released Jun 22, 2017 (New Release)
Implemented the function to split a window with plural data files into windows with each of the files. Try [Window]-[Split].
Implemented an option to weight data when one makes table from raw data by the function "make table" on the "Convert data" window shown by [Analyze]-[Convert Data].
Fixed the bug that yoshinoGRAPH sometimes fails to recognize file without data when one tries to read data.
yoshinoGraph 5.1.0 released Aug 15, 2016 (New Release)
The "nil" option was implemented on the "Data selector" window to draw only the connecting lines between neighboring data without any symbol
Implemented a function to draw sub-grid, which means the grid without numbering, with a different color and a line type from those of the main grid. Take a look at the "Edit frame" window shown by [Edit]-[Frame]
Implemented a function to change the interval of the numbering of each axis. Take a look at the "Edit frame" window shown by [Edit]-[Frame]
yoshinoGraph 5.0.4 released May 9, 2016 (New Release)
Further improvement when a larger desktop font is used. But still remain some problems, for example, the inappropriate positioning of subscripts.
yoshinoGraph 5.0.1 released Apr 1, 2016 (New Release)
Fixed a bug that that a line connecting the data points is not drawn when the points are vertically aligned to each other.
Fixed a bug that the scale numbers are mispositioned in the density scale in the deisity plot when the font size is changed from the default value 5.
Fixed a bug that the numbers in the density scale is not drawn in the exponential form even when the numbers are very large.

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