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Zentimo xStorage Manager for Windows 7 - Enhance USB functionality. - Windows 7 Download

Zentimo xStorage Manager Windows 7

Zentimo xStorage Manager 2.4.2

"Boost your USB performance with Zentimo xStorage Manager - the ultimate storage solution."

Welcome to the ultimate solution for your USB device management! Zentimo xStorage Manager by Crystal Rich, Ltd is a one-stop-shop for all your needs. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to safely remove external drives, monitor disk space, and manage devices with ease. This powerful software saves you time and safeguards your data. Say goodbye to annoying message pop-ups and corrupted data! Try Zentimo xStorage Manager today!

Zentimo xStorage Manager 2.4.2 full details

File Size: 3.92 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $29.90
Released: 2021-04-27
Downloads: Total: 538 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Crystal Rich, Ltd
Publisher URL:

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Zentimo xStorage ManagerFile & Disk ManagementWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.7 (16 votes)

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Zentimo xStorage Manager windows 7 compatible

Zentimo xStorage Manager 2.4.2 full description

It's a USB device manager aimed to save time and extend user abilities on active work with flash-drives, portable drives, card readers and and other gadgets. It is a full-fledged tool to manage and save your portable drive data, it allows you to safely remove the drives displaying locking processes, has portable apps launch list, can automatically dismount TrueCrypt drives, lets you hide empty card reader slot drives, etc.

Zentimo xStorage Manager 2.4.2 download tags

Zentimo xStorage Manager 2.4.2 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
1. System wide device name change
2. Preventive flushing of disk buffers on forced stop
3. Improved forced device stop
4. Bugfix
[ Zentimo xStorage Manager release history ]

Zentimo xStorage Manager 2.4.2 Windows 7 requirements

PC, 512 MB OS, 30MB hard drive

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