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Zoom Player MAX for Windows 7 - "Experience immersive media with Zoom Player MAX." - Windows 7 Download

Zoom Player MAX Windows 7

Zoom Player MAX 19.5.1

"Revolutionize your media experience with Zoom Player MAX. Powerful features, seamless playback."

Looking for a top-rated media player for your Windows 7 device? Look no further than Zoom Player MAX by Inmatrix. This powerful software optimizes video and audio playback for any file type, with a sleek, customizable interface that lets you tailor your streaming experience to your preferences. With robust features like dynamic audio boost, smart playlist integration, and 4K upscaling, Zoom Player MAX offers the ultimate digital entertainment experience. Download it today and see for yourself!

Zoom Player MAX 19.5.1 full details

File Size: 41.29 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $29.99
Released: 2024-09-24
Downloads: Total: 1314 | This Month: 17
Publisher: Inmatrix
Publisher URL:

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Zoom Player MAXVideo ToolsWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinOther, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP, Other

User Rating: 3.3 (31 votes)

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Zoom Player MAX windows 7 compatible

Zoom Player MAX 19.5.1 full description

Zoom Player is the most Powerful, Flexible and Customizable Media Player application for the Windows PC platform. Based on our highly-touted Smart Play technology, more media formats play with less hassle, improved stability and greater performance. Behind Zoom Player's classic media player look, hides a powerful Media Center application designed with a simple 5-Key (up/down/left/right/select) fullscreen navigation interface. The 5-Key system provides simple navigation with advanced interfaces. Interface such as the Media Library, File Browser, Playlist, Color Control, Audio Equalizer, Bookmarks, Play History and many more. Zoom Player's media center simplicity makes it ideal for users with no previous computer experience. With Zoom Player, you can instantly Convert any PC into a Home Entertainment Center (HTPC) with no specialized hardware requirement or operating system. Zoom Player runs with every version of Windows. Utilizing Zoom Player's modular design and flexibility, you can easily design a safe viewing environment, limiting or extending functionality, making it ideal for both newbies and professionals. Zoom Player is fully scalable, supporting the latest media formats and interfaces. New features are incorporated constantly with release schedules and feature integration clearly announced on our support Forum, Twitter and Facebook pages.

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Zoom Player MAX 19.5.1 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
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